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Solo lintervento della suocera di andrea riuscira in parte a riparare l. Commedia sexy is characterized typically by both abundant female nudity and comedy, and by the minimal weight given to social criticism that was instead basic in the commedia allitaliana main genre, and stories are often set in affluent environments such as wealthy households. However, valeria does not know that count giovanni is really just a managers assistant, namely, andreas. Regista, attori, sceneggiatori, musicisti e tutto il cast tecnico. Andrea damiani sends his wife valeria off on a skiing holiday so he can spend time with his demanding mistress, giulia. Edwige fenech barbara bouchet renzo montagnani lino banfi tullio solenghi marisa merlini, renzo ozzano, jacques stany, pippo santonastaso, alessandra vazzoler, adolfo belletti, stefano lisicki, maria teresa ruta, marcella petrelli, walter margara, calogero azzaretto. Mulher em ferias, amante em casa, my wife on vacation. With edwige fenech, barbara bouchet, renzo montagnani, lino banfi.

Lamante in citta nude scenes images and 2 videos including appearances from barbara bouchet edwige fenech. Tullio solenghi, lino banfi, barbara bouchet, renzo montagnani, edwige fenech. Little does he suspect that valeria is having a rendezvous with a count she recently met. Distribuito da cecchi gori home video, il dvd e in lingue e audio italiano, dolby digital 2. However, valeria does not know that count giovanni is really just a managers assistant. She is mostly known as the star of a series of commedia sexy allitaliana and giallo films released in the 1970s, which turned her into a sex symbol. Andrea damiani sends his wife valeria off on a skiing.

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